Article 33 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, this is become one of my reasons, my ex-girlfriend and three youth pioneered a reading house named Tumpi Readhouse. A reading house hopefully at that time can be a public space for interaction, study and born useful works for entire.

Tumpi’s existence is considered important by the organizer, this is to strengthen the implementation of three pillars of education consisting of family education, school education and society. Family education automatically run in each family with parents as responsible person, school education is the government and teachers responsible, while environmental education is our responsible. Yes, we are, who can read, write, have some opinions and who can do something in our smallest environment.

School breaks, children read in Tumpi
School breaks, children read in Tumpi

Child is a reflection of parents, younger siblings are reflection of their brothers, and someone’s behavior is reflection of their environment. As juvenile delinquency increasing, adults who are part of environment must also be responsible. It is not wise to be parents or who will be parents if only blaspheme, blame others, and do nothing for better condition around environment.

Tumpi Readhouse was born from dream. Our dream at that time (who all personnel are single) is our children in the future will be able to be in an environment that rich in learning resource. Even in the village, hopefully they can grow educated, able to open the insight and opportunities for employment in the village so that can reduce the high number of urbanization.

With various effort, real work and through cyberspace, together with the surrounding communities finally Tumpi Readhouse stand. This reading house is in Karang, Pentur, Simo, Boyolali, Central Java.

“Using social media appropriately would be more useful”, at least that we were thinking at that time. Using netbook and take advantage of social media like Facebook and twitter, within approximately two months Tumpi can raise hundreds of books. One of local provider card became the only weapon to get optimal internet signal in Pentur village at that time.

Raising book from social media
Raising book from social media

Getting a lot of books in two months does require a lot of effort too. However, persuading others in social media is not so difficult. Some things ever  Tumpi do among them are :

  1. Ensure that the activities we undertake are aimed at good, beneficial to the people and not for political and commercial purposes.
  2. Have clear organizer, clear address and clear objectives.
  3. Talk about what has been done/ owned and what not yet.
  4. Writing and uploading photos of activities that have been done through social media.
  5. Write a plan of activities to be undertaken and targets to be achieved.
  6. Create a blog that contains various information activities.
  7. Report to donors that assistance has been received, if necessary publish in social media.
  8. Improve interaction with others in social media

In additional to book-raising through online media, Tumpi organizer also diligently stay in touch with friends who want to donate their books. Interestingly, some people also donate funds to assist in the realization of reading house.

Inauguration ceremony of Tumpi Readhouse conducted on July 16, 2012. Residents and some public figures invited, not forgetting invitations through social media and press release event for media also made. Some donors from other city also attended the event.

Inaugurations events of Tumpi Readhouse
Inaugurations events of Tumpi Readhouse

Life shy, die will not. Should be a solution..!!

It can’t be denied that Indonesian, especially the village community is still low percentage of reading culture. Although the enthusiastic citizens in reading is quite good when Tumpi’s opening, but gradually people who come less and less. Only children who remain faithful come although the books are limited.

One effort that has been done so the people around want to come to reading house such as watching movies, entrepreneurship training, agricultural workshops and various other events. But unfortunately, the various events held by Tumpi at that time can run smoothly only for one year (2012-2013)

Children after doing various events in Tumpi Readhouse
Children after doing various events in Tumpi Readhouse

The classic reason for the lack of funds is the main obstacle to run the program, especially some of the organizer at that time are unemployment. Slowly but surely, some of Tumpi’s pioneer finally resign to work out of city and I decided to get married. Throughout 2014 reading house was neglected, children were unwilling to approach and some events totally stopped.

One thing that came to mind at that time was how to “account for a continuity” to establish Tumpi Readhouse. After trying every possibility, various types of work undertaken, finally we got one solution that is looking fortune through blogging.

This idea got after meeting one of friend as a blogger in Solo. According to him, by writing on the blog, beside to expressed ideas through writing, it can be a means to get passive income as well as investment tools for the future.

Mingle with Telkom

The end of 2014 is the starting point to pursue the world of blogging. To gain knowledge about technology and information, what I did at that time is by reading blog and watching videos on YouTube. For more focus when studying, I studied at the former cinema building in Sriwedari Solo and using the internet network Telkom By paying a IDR 5.000 package at the time I can be online for 24 hours on YouTube.

There are many things that can be obtained from learning process at Sriwedari at that time, especially about how to create website, optimize the website in search engine, how to write articles that SEO Friendly and how to earn money through google adsense. In Sriwedari my first blog was born (currently renamed, three months after that blog created and registered to Google Adsense finally approved and can be family income.

Doing something positive will never be meaningless. Tumpi Readhouse, which was a short time will be “burden” in life, but it can be the bright way. In this simple house made of bamboo and wood, at least there are around 2,500 books can be read and used as a reference to write on the blog. From blog created, in additional to earn income can be able as a way to share information and knowledge through cyberspace.

The end of 2014 is the starting point to pursue the world of blogging.
The end of 2014 is the starting point to pursue the world of blogging.

Until now Tumpi Readhouse’s organizer has several blogs with many online visitors. Some of these blogs are (discussing Javanese culture and Solo tourism), (about business tips/ entrepreneurship) and (about mom and children)

From those three blogs automatically Tumpi Readhouse also has provided reading material through online media. Every day the articles written on the three blogs at least read by 13,000 visitors with 21,000 pageview/ day. It is not too much, but at least it can be useful for people, including the organizer to continue the various activities in Tumpi Readhouse

In the middle of 2015, Tumpi Readhouse set up a tower for internet access from one of Internet Service Provider. But the organizer hope for the future Telkom IndieHome can reach villages so internet access will be more faster and cheaper. Hopefully… #IndonesiaMakinDigital

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